About RCRW
Rusk County Republican Women meet on the 4th Monday every month. Meet & Greet starts at 6pm with Program beginning promptly at 6:30pm at the Wall of Brands located in the Rusk County Youth Expo Center.
Community members who want to learn more about the political process on a community level are encouraged to attend and/or join RCRW at our 4th Monday meetings. Each month, guest speakers will present a topic to help us all better understand grass root issues and how we can each participate in the political process within our individual comfort zones.
If you are simply looking for a way to become better informed on candidates and issues or if you are searching for an organization where you can help promote the conservatives ideals our nation was founded upon, we think you will enjoy time spent with the Rusk County Republican Women.
Those interested, but not yet members, are invited to the program. Business meeting follows and is for members only.
2025 RCRW Executive Board
Denise Rives - TFRW District Directors SD1
Kristi Antonick - President
Kella Stanley- Vice President
Neva Hand - Secretary
Sherri Baker - Treasurer
JJo Foley - Legislative Chair