It's 2025 and that means it's time for the 89th Texas Legislative Session. Rusk County Republican Women are gearing up to be advocates for conservative policies that build on the freedom and prosperity that Texas is known for. Citizens across our nation have recognized that the evils of socialism, lawlessness and freedom robbing policies have taken root in America. We want to assist Texans in loading their "go bags" with skills and education so that we can fight the bad policies that, if left unattended, are sure to bring anarchy and loss of wealth to our nation.
As someone recently said, "it's time to turn the page" and today, there is a new momentum and we strive to answer your call to mobilize and work! Our meetings and special events this year will include trainings on local, state and federal government and policy, including how we use these to build and improve our community. We will also be looking at building our club and the political and leadership skills of our members while engaging in community service projects, civics in education, free speech, and soooo much more!
Our events are planned to inspire and motivate Republican voters and candidates with an overriding goal to get the fullest participation in the political arena from the ballot box to political seats. No doubt about it, the nation is watching Texas and we must hold the line for conservative values and the constitution we cherish!

"We here in America do not have government by the majority - we have government by the majority who participate.... " Thomas Jefferson
"A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people." James Madison
Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. Enable them to preserve peace and order."
Thomas Jefferson
One of the RCRW objectives is to help individual citizens better understand the political process so they can participate and contribute at a level that meets their individual goals. At the very least, every citizen should be able to go to the polls and have an idea of what each candidate stands for and what each proposition will actually bring about. Speakers and programs at each meeting will help attendees come to better know what is going on in our county, district, state and nation and how they can use the information to further America's interests.

Candidate Forums
"A constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." John Adams
"If we are to fully restore Liberty and the integrity of our Constitution, we must continue to do so from the bottom up. We must speak with one disciplined, determined and unified voice." Mark Alexander
RCRW, through monthly programs and candidate forums, will assist community members in becoming acquainted with Republican candidates and their positions to better insure the opportunity to become informed voters.
Benjamin Franklin, at the close of the Constitutional Convention, was asked if the delegates had formed a monarchy or a republic, he answered, "A Republic, if you can keep it." RCRW believe it is the duty of informed citizens to maintain our democratic republic. To insure future Liberty, we must elect honorable and virtuous men and women to public office who will represent our values while upholding the Constitution of the United States as we strive to "protect and pass on lovingly that shining city on the hill". Ronald Reagan

"My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your county...." JFK
Our cause is noble, it is the cause of mankind. George Washington
There are no easy answers, only simple answers." Ronald Reagan
Each individual should decide the level of participation which comfortably fits his/her schedule and comfort parameters. RCRW will strive to help all club members find places where they believe they can be the most productive. Opportunities abound and we hope to help Rusk County citizens with the basics of becoming a knowledgeable and informed electorate. We will also show you avenues to participate at the local, state and national levels without running for office, including how to become state and national delegates or how to let the Governor know you are interested in a committee appointment. If you are one of the courageous seeking office, we will be there to support you and provide an avenue to help you in becoming better acquainted with the community.